It’s about the food but it’s not about the food.

LEANLOVE is a 60-day wellness program that helps you find a weight that feels good, discover and learn about foods your body loves, and find your way back to feeling your best.

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It’s about the food but it’s not about the food.

LEANLOVE is a 60-day wellness program that helps you find a weight that feels good, discover and learn about foods your body loves, and find your way back to feeling your best.

LEANLOVE ignites and accelerates weightloss in a holistic and healthy way.

It’s important to me that you know the origin and story of LEANLOVE and why it’s so effective.

It started many years ago with my journey of wanting to lose weight. Back then, I equated being healthy to a number I saw on the scale. I believed that if I hit my goal weight, happiness would follow and everything else would suddenly feel better. And by everything else, I meant ME.

What I ended up with was a dynamic, intriguing and glorious journey of actually getting to know myself. The journey of weight loss was and still is a fascinating process and continuous unfolding. It’s a teacher, a mirror and a doorway in. If you’re willing, it can show you what is really driving the ship underneath that number on the scale.

I mean, isn’t that what you really want to know? I do. This sparked my curiosity like nothing else before and weight loss became my muse, both clinically and personally.

You’ve heard it before – how we do one thing is how you do everything. So, it makes sense that the way we eat is the way we live. This makes our relationship with food an invaluable tool. It will reveal your deepest beliefs about being alive like scarcity, security, deprivation, love, worthiness, ability, possibility, struggle, freedom, and peace.

I want you to know that LEANLOVE was created because I willingly walk, and continue to explore every avenue of this path. I take the back roads and purposefully venture off the beaten path just to see the truth and possibility on the other side. Because it really is, and always will be, a continuous journey of getting to know ourselves better.

I want you to understand, I know it’s about the weight. I really do.  And clinically, the LEANLOVE protocol will teach you about nutrition while giving you a framework that allows you to drop weight and feel the lightness you’ve been craving. However, what I really want you to find through LEANLOVE is the truth about who you are and the realization that will both save you and serve you – it’s actually never been about the weight.

We will connect the dots on nutrition and your body, and trust me, your entire perception on weight loss will shift. I want you to feel clarity. I want you to be empowered, informed and aware. And most of all, I want you to feel free from the confusing world of weight loss and back home with yourself.

Vibrate Higher,

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Theresa immersed herself in the study of nutrition, naturopathy and functional medicine by learning from the world’s leaders in this space. She’s helped her clients explore their relationship with food and dig deep into patterns that hold them back not just from weight loss, but feeling good and alive in their body.

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Theresa started looking for a lifestyle-focused weight loss and nutrition program to integrate into her practice and offer to her clients. She was looking for a program that kickstarted weight loss but more so, provided the education to thrive and maintain a healthy lifestyle. She did not find what she was looking for – so she created LEANLOVE.

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Theresa has seen hundreds of clients through her clinical practice, Intentional Nourishment. LEANLOVE has only been available to clients of her clinical practice, until now.

TODAY. . . 

Theresa and her team have developed the fully-virtual LEANLOVE experience for any person who is seeking a healthy weight-loss and lifestyle solution. Along with an online membership site, this program also includes her privately-formulated top-quality supplements, homeopathics, and recipes. Oh, and hours and hours of coaching videos – a staggering value.

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Educating yourself is the first step in changing your lifestyle.

Get all the LEANLOVE details here

LEANLOVE is one of the quickest and most familiar feelings of “bringing ease to the body,” both physically and emotionally, that most of us recognize and can resonate with.

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Our Mission

Theresa is the creator of Intentional Nourishment, a lifestyle practice that teaches the art of discernment around the nourishment you need to feel better. It’s always a process of getting to the truth of this question: What do you need that will offer you relief and ease and bring you back into balance?

She uses this framework both clinically and within her coaching practice. Sometimes it’s cleaning up your diet and sometimes it’s cleaning up your schedule. Sometimes it’s letting go of weight and sometimes it’s letting go of judgment and resentment. Sometimes it’s digging deeper with strategic functional medicine testing and sometimes it’s uncovering your unconscious habits and behaviors that keep you stuck and unhappy.  

The most common place people start this journey is with weight loss. It’s an instinctive doorway in, led by a belief that releasing excess weight will bring ease to your body. Both physically and emotionally, it resonates and is familiar to us, and weight loss offers a tangible result that satisfies our initial desire to feel better.  

When clients dropped excess weight, Theresa would hear over and over again, ”I finally feel like my old self again.” It was these responses that brought her joy more than anything else. It was not about the physical results, it was witnessing their relief and finally feeling like they were back home

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In 2009 Theresa created LEANLOVE with the intention that, even though a main focus would be nutrition and weight loss, it would also deliver a holistic experience that transcended far beyond a number on the scale. She recognized that this holistic experience would not be something measured through a blood test, but rather a feeling and alignment and a recognition that only you know. You finally feel like YOU.

She also quickly realized our core human desire of feeling good in our bodies was being capitalized upon by a $66 billion dollar industry.  It was in this realization that she started developing LEANLOVE. (Yes, this program has been around for nearly a decade.)

Theresa focused on developing a nutrition protocol that kick-started weight loss by supporting crucial aspects of your physiology, and in turn, supporting metabolism. She started working with trusted formulators to curate a synergistic combination of homeopathics and supplements designed to ignite and accelerate weight loss in a holistic and healthy way. Then she infused the process with functional medicine education, lifestyle design foundations, and her dynamic coaching process.

Then, on a very small scale, she started offering this program to clients.

The results were massively successful. Clients started referring clients, and solely by word-of-mouth, LEANLOVE became the sought-after program it is today.

Let Me Show You the LEANLOVE Difference.

Sign up for our FREE Conversational MasterClass where we talk everything weight loss.