Our clients experience dramatic and life-changing success. 

We’ve been honored by the kind words that we have received over the years and thankful for all lives we have touched. 

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LEANLOVE helped me to look my absolute best on my wedding day. I started the program in March and within 2 months was down about 27 pounds and from a dress size 10/12 to a 4/6. I felt so confident and gorgeous in my wedding dress. I actually had to stop the LEANLOVE because my seamstress had to take in my dress 4 different times and told me I’d need a new dress if she kept bringing it in anymore! Theresa does such a wonderful job of coaching you through the process and explaining why LEANLOVE works. The first few weeks were difficult. For me in particular, giving up sugar was hard! However, once I got past the first few weeks, I felt like I could do this forever.

I felt SO good, my body felt good, my brain felt good, and I looked forward to waking up every morning and seeing the scale go lower and lower. It was so motivating to see the weight drop off day after day. My husband and I just had our first baby in January, and I look forward to doing LEANLOVE again to help me lose the last few pounds of my baby weight when I am ready. I can’t thank Theresa and LEANLOVE enough for how good I felt throughout this program and after!

Janine J.

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I have known Theresa for many years. Her passion for and pursuit of a career in holistic medicine has at times clashed with my philosophy and training as a traditional medical doctor. Needless to say, this dichotomy has made for many spirited conversations over the years. I have always had an interest in holistic medicine but never gave it its due credit until now! In 2009 I agreed to try LEANLOVE to actually show Theresa it wouldn’t work! Was I ever surprised.

I completed the program and have not gained back one single pound of the 26 lbs that I lost. I never imagined that I could lose that much weight. I had hoped to lose 10 lbs. I had no idea of all the other areas of my life that would be affected by this “healthy” lifestyle. While on the program I worked out less than usual and got results like I have never seen.

LEANLOVE is truly a gift. I have never experienced changes like this in my life. I have spent my life studying the human body and I am simply overjoyed with how well it has worked. I am on a mission to share this with all of the people I hold most dear in my life.

Greg S.

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I began my first LEANLOVE weighing 215 pounds and thinking I really didn’t have all that much weight to lose. By sticking to LEANLOVE, I lost 12 pounds during the first 2 weeks of the protocol. As the weeks passed the pounds kept coming off and I began to feel stronger internally and more sharp mentally. I ended the 6-week protocol weighing 193 pounds….a total loss of 22 pounds.

For the past 2 years, I have trained and completed two IronMan races which I have worked 1-on-1 with Theresa to fine tune what my body needed while doing such intense training. Whatever my personal health goals are, I do it through with the help of LEANLOVE.

Jason C.

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I started LEANLOVE because I needed something in my life to change. I was constantly making excuses NOT to change. It started with I just had a baby, then after she turned 2 it was because I no longer lived in California (where organic farm fresh food was abundant). The excuses kept adding up. After reaching nearly 200 lbs I realized if I want to be a healthy role model to my beautiful 5-year-old girl, I had to start with myself. As a nurse, I knew that I was not living a healthy lifestyle. When I looked in the mirror, I knew that the person I saw wasn’t the ME I knew.

I desperately wanted to change everything but I didn’t know where to even begin. I spoke with Theresa who is well aware of my schedule and personal strengths/weaknesses and she recommended LEANLOVE. After working nights, days, afternoons, 12’s, 16’s and 8hr shifts, I had no eating patterns and no discipline. I was excited and terrified to begin this journey… I had been eating so “conveniently” for many years. I dove in head first. What amazed me the most is how much you COULD eat, not how much you couldn’t eat! This protocol “reprogrammed” my relationship with food, myself, and my family. Overall, I ended up losing about 20-25 lbs and that is without exercising.

I’m sleeping better, making better decisions, I have more energy, my skin looks better and I can focus better. I also have more patience for my daughter, my patients and for myself. I cannot recommend it more. I loved it and will do it again…or maybe take it up a notch!

Jamie A.

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Theresa, I am so happy after I did LEANLOVE! You made it very easy for me and you were always there for me when I had a question, which was important to me – this was my first program. I felt full of energy while doing it and the weight came off so easy! Thank you so much… you really have helped me change my life! And now, thanks to your help, I am still eating healthy. I have lost between 20-25 pounds.

Eric R.

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 I first did LEANLOVE a couple of years ago and have subsequently begun this program two additional times. I lost 21 pounds in 33 days the first time, 17 pounds in 23 days the second time and am well on my way this third time having already lost more than 6 pounds in 5 days.

But more importantly, each time I began, I felt more energy despite eating less. I felt more awake at work, more engaged, and inspired to care for my body. I was not only in a better physical state but a much better mental state. Because of Theresa’s guidance and my own commitment to my health, I am happier, more confident and have more energy. I vibrate higher.

Annie E.

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I have been taking laxatives and stool softeners for as long as I can remember. I am 84 years old and never thought that I could change my health, especially my digestive issues, at this age. I am proud to say that I no longer take anything to help me go, and proudly go very regularly, all by myself!

Theresa B.

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I’m a nurse, a wife, and a mom of two children that are 3 and 1 years old. I needed to take control of my body. My overall self-esteem was very low. I was 40 pounds above my normal weight and was told by my doctor I was “pre-diabetic”.

Theresa was very helpful during the cleansing stage of LEANLOVE, and I couldn’t have done it without her support. I will tell you…there were some days that were hard, but when you see the consistent results that other programs don’t give you, it’s easier to stick with it. I lost 27 pounds in 30 days! I ended up 20 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight and weighed what I did in college.

It is now December and have still kept it all off…. and still feel great! The only thing I care about is that I feel great and my kids are eating better and will end up being healthier because I’m showing them how to be healthier! I’m giving my body the best chance to be all that it can be!

Pam J.

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And here I am. Officially three weeks, without a cocktail, or sacred glass of wine. Oh? And did I mention 15 pounds lighter? Yeah, #thathappened. I’m still working on the last five pounds that I want to lose, so last night, I made the decision to go another week. On a roll…why stop now?

But the big moment for me last night was, when I sat down to watch my favorite show (which usually entails me pouring myself a generous glass of wine) I honestly didn’t spend two seconds even considering it, and in the end, I didn’t really miss it, and I felt even better this morning knowing that I didn’t give in. Instead, I folded about six baskets of laundry, guzzled a large bottle of water, fresh lemon, and stevia, and woke up this morning at 4:30 am and met my girlfriend for a run along Lake Superior.

The reason I’m telling you this is so you know that what you do, what you provide, can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Everyone has their demons, and LEANLOVE, in particular, gave me a way to confront mine. So, thank you.

Rachael V.

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Four years ago I had been trying to lose 20 pounds forever and my daughter said “mom lets try Theresa’s program, I think it will really work” as she had been being educated and listening to her about LEANLOVE.

So I did it and lost 18 pounds, my cholesterol dropped 50 points and I felt better than I had ever felt. Never have I had results like this with any other eating/or diet. I mainly had stomach issues and they were gone. Theresa had done a thorough examination of my health, seeing what I needed, and was available to answer any questions I had. I have also listened to her speak about nutrition and she really made me understand things.

I walked away with a better understanding about how different foods affect us in different ways it made so much sense. She really is so knowledgeable, a truly caring person and has a passion for what she does – and it shows!!!

Lori M.


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I travel a lot for work, so at first, I thought I wouldn’t be able to do this protocol. But I learned quickly, that having the right mindset, it is very doable. I had suffered from some pretty severe chronic heartburn and also dealt with some IBS issues.

By the end of three weeks, both of these problems were basically non-existent. I was able to get off my heartburn medication, and my IBS drastically improved. It made me more aware of how the different foods I put into my body affect me and how I feel.

I completed LEANLOVE over a year ago. I was 225 pounds when I started, and when I finished the program, I weighed in at 197 pounds. Overall, LEANLOVE was a great way for me to lose the extra weight I was carrying as well as cleaning up the digestive system and heartburn. It’s been a great learning experience for me.

Dan V.

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And here I am. Officially three weeks, without a cocktail, or sacred glass of wine. Oh? And did I mention 15 pounds lighter? Yeah, #thathappened. I’m still working on the last five pounds that I want to lose, so last night, I made the decision to go another week. On a roll…why stop now?

But the big moment for me last night was, when I sat down to watch my favorite show (which usually entails me pouring myself a generous glass of wine) I honestly didn’t spend two seconds even considering it, and in the end, I didn’t really miss it, and I felt even better this morning knowing that I didn’t give in. Instead, I folded about six baskets of laundry, guzzled a large bottle of water, fresh lemon, and stevia, and woke up this morning at 4:30 am and met my girlfriend for a run along Lake Superior.

The reason I’m telling you this is so you know that what you do, what you provide, can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Everyone has their demons, and LEANLOVE, in particular, gave me a way to confront mine. So, thank you.

Rachael V.

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It is quite a challenge to take on writing a testimonial after going through the work of LEANLOVE because I am so compassionate in wanting others to know the empowering journey this can be for them. When it comes to the results, they were overwhelming and far exceeded all the expectations I had going into this journey.

The person I started out as was someone that fought exhaustion through my busy days and weighed 224 pounds. The person I became was full of energy and on my final day, I stood on the scale and weighed 194 pounds. It was a truly life changing experience to FINALLY lose the weight that seemed impossible to get off. For all who read this as you consider taking part in this journey, take that leap… it has the potential to change you for a lifetime.

Karla M.

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Being in college isn’t exactly the easiest place to be when you are trying to get fit and healthy. I play Division 1 Volleyball, so I exercised consistently and worked very hard. In my off-season, I wanted to get my nutrition on the same track. There are many temptations around that can sidetrack you. Being in college, I was sidetracked and I needed a way to get back to a fit and healthy lifestyle.

I did LEANLOVE for a total of 40 days and let me tell you it was not easy. But it was worth it! I knew that I had to make some changes and with Theresa’s coaching and guidance I was able to drop 35 lbs! It’s always important to live a healthy lifestyle. That was my overall goal and this program definitely helped me get there!

Casey Jean

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Before LEANLOVE I was feeling exhausted, depressed, unmotivated and really unhappy. I wasn’t sure I would be able to stick to the program but once my energy skyrocketed and the weight started falling off I was 100% in! The increased energy, vitality, clear-mindedness and calm that I felt was completely unexpected.

I am a very cynical person but thought, “Hey, why not? Try it.” And it was the best choice I could have made. It is very helpful to break bad emotional eating habits and start fresh… clear the slate and the body and mind. I’m already planning my next one! Through the course of LEANLOVE, I lost 13 pounds. I went from 153 to 140 in three weeks and have managed to keep off 10 of those pounds! I HIGHLY recommend this program.

Maria I

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LEANLOVE taught us about the concept of “less.” Less complex foods, less ingredients, less additives, and less stress over how to put it all together. Less confusion over how to fuel and when to fuel our active lifestyle. Less weight, less bloat, less chronic pain, and less shame. LEANLOVE gave us the tools, support, and structure to simplify our lives and finally feel like our approach to fuel matched our training. Living the concept of “less” and applying LEANLOVE as a lifestyle led us to fully embrace the idea of “more.” More energy, more time, more joy, more health, more confidence and more hope for how life can feel when you nourish yourself.

Angie and Nick K.

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Theresa, I wanted to give you an update on how I am doing. I know starting LEANLOVE in December may not be the best time for most people, but instead of going into 2012 and starting my journey, I will be going into the new year not only at my goal weight but below my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost a total of 19 pounds this month and am so excited to start the New Year! Thank you so much for everything.

Post-baby bliss  – new mama

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I was facing double knee replacement surgery as a result of my weight. I tried everything on my own and nothing worked, and if anything worked short term, I couldn’t sustain it and gained the weight back. LEANLOVE was not only easy to follow, but taught me how to make eating healthily sustainable, plus I learned so much.

I was ecstatic that I lost 52 pounds in 3 months, and did not have to go through with the surgery. I plan to do it again in a few months as I have more weight to lose. The only downside, I need to buy all new shoes, none fit anymore!

Kathleen A.

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I know this isn’t a big deal, but it is for me. Usually, during yoga, I hate doing inversions. Even in downdog, the acid from my reflux would trickle down my throat and burn. It was terrible, and my yoga has suffered – I would find myself just skipping it altogether. I noticed in yoga today that it was gone! I can’t believe it. Thank you so much, Theresa!! – Namaste.

Sue M.